Beginners A1 Spanish

Now that you have completed the “feeders ” group ( congratulations!), or have a basic level of understanding from online apps or previous learning, you are ready to move on to our “Beginners ” A1 group. You will join a group of like-minded learners, following a similar learning journey but who may all have started from different places. Welcome to Spanish in Estepona where our encouraging instructors will ignite an enthusiasm and hunger for learning. Well done for being here! ¡Olé!

What are our A1 beginners classes?

Speaking Spanish well, using the correct tenses and improving your level of understanding.

In our A1 group, students will build on the groundwork that either the feeders group or other previous learning has laid. Our patient tutors will guide you not only through the book ELE A1 but also through the basics needed to live and learn here in Estepona/ Spain. The tutors are fluent in English and are happy to explain anything you don’t understand in English. It is a 3 day tailored approach:

  • Day 1: Verbs
  • Day 2: Grammar
  • Day 3: Conversation ( the one everyone wants to concentrate on!).

This will build on your basic knowledge and inspire confidence to have short conversations with classmates, in shops, restaurants and other life situations. We follow the ELE Actual A1 book which is a course for Spanish beginners preferred and recognised by the Cervantes Institute, a Spanish public institution that was created in 1991 to further the teaching of Spanish and is recognised by the Spanish Ministry of Education. The book alongside other learning resources such as audiovisual, music, games etc. keeps classes lively and interesting. If exams are a priority for you for work or further education you have the perfect base as DELE is the official exam format. Sign up now to have step two of your fluency journey underway. Don’t allow nerves, age, fear or time to hold you back. Most of our groups are made up of mature adults who have returned to study after many years. This brings a wealth of different personalities and learning styles together. This helps to keep our classes lively, fun, and interesting.

Why choose Spanish in Estepona?

Professional and friendly teachers.

Our passionate instructors are dedicated to guiding you every step of the way, ensuring your learning experience is both enjoyable and effective.

Small classes

Enjoy personal attention and numerous opportunities to practice and interact with your classmates.

Supportive community

Join a diverse and welcoming community of learners who share your enthusiasm for exploring both the Spanish language and culture.

Are you ready to begin your Spanish adventure?

Don’t let uncertainty or fear prevent you! Join our group of Beginners A1 today and take the next step on your journey to fluency in Spanish. Whether you are a complete beginner or just looking to refresh and build on your previous study, Spanish in Estepona is here to help you continue your language-learning journey. Enroll now and embark on an exciting new chapter full of language, culture and infinite possibilities. Let’s go!

September to June
  • Mornings: 3 days a week
  • Afternoons:3 days a week
  • Duration: 55 minute a day, for 1 month
  • You can buy the book here with us.
Summer intensive course.
  • Duration: 2 weeks, 2 hours per day, 8 days over 2 weeks